Heavy rain triggers highest evacuation order in Shimane

Two municipalities in Shimane Prefecture, western Japan, issued the highest level of the evacuation order for residents Monday after torrential rain fell in the morning.
The city government of Unnan issued the level-5 emergency order throughout the city, warning of the risk of mudslides due to heavy rain since last Tuesday. The town of Iinan in the prefecture also issued a level-5 order.
A flooded road is pictured in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, on July 12, 2021. (Kyodo)
The Japan Meteorological Agency issued its highest level rain alert in the area after downpours of about 100 millimeters were observed in one hour on Monday around Unnan.
The Mitoya River running through the city is believed to be on the verge of overflowing, with several locations in the city already flooded, according to the local government.
In Iinan, flooding and landslides were confirmed in several locations, according to the town.
Similar damage was also confirmed in the prefectural capital of Matsue.
Title: Heavy rain triggers highest evacuation order in Shimane
Sourced From: english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/07/ce0294151460-heavy-rain-triggers-highest-evacuation-order-in-shimane.html
Published Date: 07/12/21