The intensity of the quake registered six-plus on the Japanese scale of zero to seven.
Japan Meteorological Agency official Kamaya Noriko said, “There is a growing risk of houses collapsing and landslides in areas that were hit hard by the quake. People are advised to pay close attention to future seismic activity and rainfall. They are also advised to take measures to ensure their own safety, such as not entering dangerous places unless there are unavoidable circumstances. People are further advised to be on the alert for earthquakes with a maximum intensity of 6 or above for the next week or so.”
The agency official added the jolt is believed to be an aftershock from the massive earthquake that hit northeastern Japan in 2011.
A jolt with an intensity of six-plus was felt in Zao Town in Miyagi Prefecture. It was also felt in Soma City and two other towns in Fukushima Prefecture.
The quake registered six-minus in more than 20 municipalities in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.
Jolts with intensities of 3 or higher were felt in a wide area stretching from Hokkaido to Aichi Prefecture.
The Meteorological Agency estimates the focus was off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture at a depth of 55 kilometers.